Sustainable Garden Rooms

Garden Rooms that are tailor-made to match your needs, your style and your values!

With us, your ambition to have the perfect garden room doesn’t have to be just about seeking additional space. It can be an opportunity to express yourself and your style in a way that also meets your needs and your values. What sets us apart extends beyond the exceptional craftsmanship and stunning designs drawn from our expertise in passive house building – it’s our foundational commitment to making a positive impact on the young people in our community.

By choosing New Meaning Construction, you’re not merely investing in a beautiful garden room; you’re investing in the future of young minds. Our story began in 2017 with a vision to provide construction work experience and job opportunities to young people who weren’t school-shaped. Fast forward to today and we continue to collaborate with our social enterprise sister, New Meaning Training, to provide opportunities and a future for people who didn’t fit the mold.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s common to settle for spaces that don’t truly align with our needs – compromises that affect productivity, comfort, and overall well-being. At New Meaning Construction, we aim to rewrite this narrative. Picture a space meticulously designed to enhance your daily life – a bespoke garden room that caters specifically to your unique requirements.

In a world where time and energy are precious commodities, investing a bit more in designing the perfect space today can yield years of enhanced functionality and peace of mind. New Meaning Construction is here to transform this vision into reality.

Get in touch today. Your dream garden room awaits, promising years of productivity, comfort, and a brighter, greener future.